Clostridioides difficile Prophylaxis
Clostridioides difficile Prophylaxis A 70 year old with leukemia is admitted to the for febrile neutropenia. She was treated for C. difficile colitis last month.…
Each week, a fictional case describing a common antimicrobial stewardship opportunity is proposed on Twitter and LinkedIn. A question on how to best proceed with the antimicrobial conundrum, along with a polled response is included to gauge audience perspectives and understanding. KASIC cases are created by a KASIC Infectious Diseases Pharmacist and reviewed by multiple Infectious Diseases Pharmacists before posting.
Ready to test your antimicrobial stewardship knowledge? View previous cases below and take the weekly quiz on Twitter or LinkedIn.
Clostridioides difficile Prophylaxis A 70 year old with leukemia is admitted to the for febrile neutropenia. She was treated for C. difficile colitis last month.…
Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus Bacteremia 3 patients are admitted to the hospital with coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. growing from blood cultures Patient 1 – 1 of 2 sets…
Empiric Pip-Tazo in Intra-Abdominal Infections 2 patients are admitted & started on empiric piperacillin/tazobactam. Patient 1: with community-onset appendicitis Patient 2: with pancreatic cancer s/p…
The Clinically Non-Responding Patient has a history of heart failure and is admitted for respiratory distress. He is diagnosed with pneumonia After 2 days, his…
MRSA Nasal Screening After Vancomycin has pneumonia and is on day 5 of vancomycin. He has a history of MRSA No respiratory cultures have been…